Monday, February 27, 2006

baby's first plb

a letterboxing gift for some fellow letterboxers. i have never met the Sprite and the Highlander.i had read the posts about them becoming parents tho.
i was searching for something to carve one night. i kept seeing images of storks and babies. so the idea was born. why not create a plb for the newest member to our and their letterboxing family.
the "Baby's First PLB" was born. you can sign up at atlas quest for this plb. or send me an e-mail or post to here and i will get you on the list. hopefully we can get a lot of plb'ers and traditional lb'ers to join in and send them both our best wishes and luck raising a new letterboxer.

later days, dragonrider

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

second sig. stamp

a second signature stamp carved by me this time. not the other person. lol.....
have you guessed who it is yet?????????
you are close.

later days, dragonrider

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"my sibling" game

well , the game is afoot.
as some of you know i have a letterboxing sibling. and some of you are desperately trying to figure out who it is. some of you out there in" letterboxing land" have figured it out. so i say,"CONGRATS" to you. all you others, keep looking and guessing. if you made it this far, then the search is not in vain.
when you guess who it is, my sibling will give you a copy of his/her personal traveller stamp. so keep the guesses coming.
later days, dragonrider83338